Troop KY-5414
Bedford Acres Christian Church Paris, KY
into the mountains we go my friends....
our mission and ministry
Our Mission is to guide generations of courageous young men to honor God, lead with integrity, serve others, and experience outdoor adventure. Our troop is a ministry of Bedford Acres Christian Church (our Charter Organization) in Paris, Kentucky. Our troop seeks to minister to boys and young men by teaching them, in the context of outdoor adventure, about character and leadership from a Christian worldview. The values we seek to reinforce are based upon the truths outlined in the Bible, the holy and inerrant Word of God.
who we are
Trail Life is a Christian Outdoor Adventure, Character, and Leadership Program for boys and young men. The program focuses on boys and young men ages 5 - 18 years old and centers on outdoor experiences that build a young man's skills and allow him to grow on a personal level, as a role model and a leader for his peers. Living the Trail Life is a journey established on timeless values derived from the Word of God with a goal of producing Godly and responsible husbands, fathers and citizens.
program overview
Trail Life is designed for boys from age 5 - 17. Program participants are referred to as "Trailmen". The "Troop" is the primary unit of organization and provides programming for boys of all ages. Each chartered troop is further segregated into "Units".
woodlands trail unit
This unit is for boys ages 5 - 10 (K - 5th grade) and is broken down into three patrols by age and grade.
Fox Patrol - Ages 5-6 (K - 1st grade)
Hawk Patrol - Ages 7-8 (2nd - 3rd grades)
Mountain Lion Patrol - Ages 9 -10 (4th - 5th grades)
The Woodlands Trail programming is delivered by Registered Adult Leaders, who are overseen by the Unit Leader, referred to as the Ranger
navigator unit
This unit is for middle school boys (ages 11 - 13; 6th - 8th grades). Within the Navigators program, the boys are segregated into smaller patrol units which are youth led. Activities are directed by an adult leaders referred to as Trail Guides, who are overseen by the Unit Leader, referred to as the Trailmaster.
adventurer unit
This unit is for high school boys (ages 14 - 17; 9th-12th grades). Within the Adventurers program, the boys are segregated into smaller patrol units which are youth led. Activities of the Adventurers unit are overseen by an adult leader referred to as the Advisor.
Come and
Trail Life USA is a Christ-centered outdoor adventure, leadership, and character development ministry. Living the Trail Life is a journey for boys and young men established on timeless values derived from the Bible. Set in the context of outdoor adventure and working in patrols within Troops, each young Trailman is challenged to build character and a lifetime of practical leadership skills.